Internal Investigations and Compliance

Mobilizing Internal Investigations, Corporate Compliance And Monitorships
Doar Rieck Kaley & Mack‘s team of highly experienced former government prosecutors assists corporations, businesses and other entities with internal investigations and corporate audits. Our attorneys and investigators are able to discover, repair, and report actual or potential breaches of law and internal policies.

Proactive Assessment And Compliance
We frequently are called upon to design preventive measures, develop corporate compliance and ethics policies, and help implement them. We are skilled at assessing risk and developing anti-fraud and anti-corruption measures. We also train employees in ethics and compliance practices, administer hotlines, and help develop communication tools (such as webpages) to assist entities create a culture of compliance, ethics and integrity.

In addition, we are often retained, and in some cases appointed by United States District Court judges and governmental organizations to monitor the compliance of entities with their legal obligations, including obligations imposed by consent decree. Such monitored entities have included large companies, service providers and labor unions.

Learn How We Can Help You
In all of these matters, we draw upon our investigators’ and forensic accountants’ capability to mount extensive examinations of policies, procedures and allegations of misconduct. Call Doar Rieck Kaley & Mack at our downtown Manhattan office at 212-619-3730 or contact us online to schedule a consultation about how we can help your corporation.