Sex Offenses

Sex Crimes Demand A Strong Defense
Few things are more scary or more lonely than being accused of a sex offense. The mere accusation or rumor can ruin lives. A conviction carries harsh prison time and a lifelong stigma as a sex offender. However, the rights of the accused remain the same no matter what the allegations.

Doar Rieck Kaley & Mack provides a robust defense for anyone charged with a sex crime. Our experienced criminal defense attorneys are former state and federal prosecutors. They know how to protect your rights and make the government prove its case. They also know how to intervene effectively to avoid the worst consequences.

Call us immediately at 212-619-3730 if you or a family member is accused of a sex crime in New York City or Long Island.

Former Prosecutors Defending Your Name And Your Future
As criminal defense lawyers, we draw on our experience to challenge the validity of the evidence and uphold the constitutional rights of the accused.

We have experience with the full range of sex offenses, including:

  • Rape and sexual assault
  • Sexual abuse of children
  • Statutory rape
  • Soliciting a minor for sex
  • Possessing or distributing child pornography
  • Prostitution and sex trafficking
  • Exposure and lewd behavior

How Our Experience Can Help
The two main concerns are prison time and sex offender status. When we are involved early, our lawyers can sometimes convince the prosecuting attorney to dismiss certain charges or file lesser charges to fit the circumstances. That intervention could shave years from a potential sentence or avoid the label of predatory sex offender. We have also helped clients avoid a humiliating public arrest.

With your freedom at stake and the prospect of sex offender’s registration, it may be necessary to fight the allegations at trial. Our attorneys are seasoned litigators who know how to challenge search warrants, undercover sting operations and the conclusions drawn by law enforcement. We know how to skillfully probe the claims of victims and witnesses to cast reasonable doubt.

You Need To Call In The Professionals
Our criminal defense lawyers have handled major felony cases on both sides of the law. You are in good hands, and you can be assured that Doar Rieck Kaley & Mack will mount an aggressive and strategic defense to spare you from the worst. We provide free initial consultations. Call our downtown Manhattan office at 212-619-3730 or contact us online.