What is bid rigging?

When many companies are seeking jobs or contracts, they will submit bids. For instance, a construction project may be planned in town, and local construction companies will bid to see if they can be awarded the project. This often happens on commercial properties, rather than residential properties, where the prospective homeowner will choose their own … Read more

What are your Fourth Amendment rights?

If the police knock on the door of your home or approach your vehicle requesting a search, then it is important to understand your legal rights. Any evidence collected could be used to incriminate you in court. The Fourth Amendment protects your right from unreasonable search and seizure. You are guaranteed privacy rights under the … Read more

What are bail and bond in criminal cases?

People facing a criminal charge often want to get out of jail as quickly as possible while awaiting the court process. While it’s sometimes possible that people will be released on their own recognizance, that’s not what usually happens. Most people released from jail while their case moves through the court system must post bail. … Read more

When can searches proceed without warrants?

The requirement that law enforcement officers secure a warrant before searching a person or their property is a cornerstone principle to protect individuals’ privacy rights. With that said, while a search warrant is required in most cases, there are specific situations when police can legally search without obtaining a warrant. These exceptions allow law enforcement … Read more

Is drug possession a felony offense in New York?

In the intricate landscape of the New York criminal justice system, drug offenses are among the most common. Contrary to belief, violating drug possession laws here in New York can result in felony charges, not just misdemeanor ones. Felony crimes carry heavier penalties, including potential incarceration, fines and long-lasting consequences that can impact your life … Read more

Felony charges and social media don’t mix

Over the last decade or so, sharing life’s triumphs, challenges and even mundane moments on social media has become second nature for many people. However, if you are facing felony charges, this instinct to share or even simply browse these platforms can result in serious, unintended consequences. It can be notoriously difficult to detach from … Read more

How a lawyer’s conflict of interest could lead to an appeal

Criminal defendants who go to trial generally believe in their own innocence or that the state has misinterpreted the situation in some significant way. They rely on their lawyers to give them proper guidance and to help them secure the best outcome possible. Sadly, for a small percentage of criminal defendants, something that their lawyer … Read more

Can your mug shot become public?

If you’ve been watching the news even sporadically in recent weeks, you’ve likely seen some mug shots you never expected to see – including one of a former president and a former New York City mayor. Mug shots are part of the criminal process that people have to submit to – whether they’re arrested for … Read more

What is entrapment, and does it apply in your case?

When law enforcement agencies (local, state or federal) believe that criminal activity is going on or being planned, they may use undercover officers or agents to obtain evidence they can use to prove that criminal activity. Sometimes, they also use confidential informants (CIs) who are not in law enforcement for this purpose. People often become … Read more