Criminal Defense

Skilled Defense By Former Prosecutors

Doar Rieck Kaley & Mack provides sophisticated and aggressive representation for felony criminal charges. We are best known for our effective defense of individuals and corporate clients under investigation or indictment for white collar crimes. As former prosecuting attorneys who handled a wide spectrum of criminal cases, we can also help blue collar clients facing harsh punishment for serious street crimes or driving offenses.

Our Manhattan firm handles criminal cases throughout New York City and Long Island, with extensive experience handling state and federal criminal charges. We are confident in our ability to protect your freedom, your livelihood and your future. Start with a free consultation at 212-619-3730.

A True Defense For Serious Criminal Charges

Our criminal defense lawyers served many years as experienced state and federal prosecutors. That work on the other side of the law as prosecutors gives us unique insights in the defense of our clients. We leverage that experience every single day in analyzing the government’s evidence, devising strategies, negotiating with prosecuting attorneys and advocating for our clients in court.

We can capably defend you no matter what the charges or how bleak your circumstances may seem. Our criminal defense practice includes:

  • Fraud and white collar crimes
  • Drug possession and trafficking
  • Driving under the influence (DUI)
  • Sexual offenses
  • Violent crimes and weapon offenses
  • Burglary and grand larceny
  • Domestic violence and restraining orders

Our goal is not simply to plead you guilty. Our mindset is to push back aggressively and neutralize the impact on your life. We intervene directly with law enforcement, prosecutors and government regulators to dissuade them from filing charges or convince them to bring lesser charges. We conduct a prompt and methodical investigation with a vision of how our findings will play out in court. While the art of effective negotiating cannot be overstated – especially in federal prosecutions – we are always prepared to try cases to a jury when a guilty plea is out of the question.

We Work Every Angle

Doar Rieck Kaley & Mack represents clients at all stages of the criminal justice system. We stand with clients at arraignment and bond hearings and advise them in interrogations and grand jury proceedings. We advocate for clients in post-indictment motions and hearings, and in plea negotiations, trial, sentencing and appeals.

Our attorneys have achieved notable results in high-stakes and high-profile cases, such as the successful defense of a Big Four accounting firm professional implicated in tax shelter fraud. No case is too complex. No case is hopeless. There is always something we can do to avoid a conviction or mitigate the fallout.

Get Our Proven Team On Your Side

We believe in zealously defending our clients and delivering exceptional service throughout the process. Give us a chance to show what we can do. The initial consultation is free. Call our downtown Manhattan office at 212-619-3730 or contact us online.