You can’t sell prescription medications, but can you share them?

You go in to have surgery, and you need prescription strength painkillers to recover. You get these legally. The prescription is written out by your doctor, and you fill it at the local pharmacy, just like you do with all of your other prescriptions.

You don’t end up taking all of the pills, however. You know that you can’t sell them, as that would be illegal. Painkillers in particular are often used recreationally in the United States. Selling them to someone else would clearly be a violation of the law and you could face arrest.

But could you share those pills? For instance, you may know someone else who has been having pain-related issues, and you think that the medication would help. You want to give them a chance to try it before they go to the doctor themselves, helping them save money and potentially find a solution. Is it OK to share since you have these good intentions?

Sharing is still illegal
No, you cannot legally share prescription medications. It’s illegal to transfer them to someone else, and you could still face charges, even if no money changes hands.

Plus, the other person would then be breaking the law once they took ownership of those prescription medications. They could be charged for possession or use, even if no one is charged with distribution or drug sales.

In other words, sharing pills is still illegal on every front, even though the technical charges may be slightly different than they would be if you were selling the medication. If you are facing such charges, take the time to carefully look into your defense options.

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