Violent Crimes & Weapons

Serious Defense For Serious Felony Charges
Crimes of violence and many weapon offenses carry presumptive prison time. Prosecutors are less inclined to negotiate or in some cases, their hands are tied by minimum sentences or rules prohibiting plea bargains.

This means you need a lawyer who has the ability to defend you against the charges. Our lawyers are former state and federal prosecutors with decades of trial experience prosecuting and defending serious crimes. If you are accused of a violent crime or weapons charge, our team will mount a skilled and aggressive defense.

We represent the accused in New York City and Long Island, both state and federal charges. Call right away at 212-619-3730 for a free consultation.

Experienced In Violent Crimes And Firearm Offenses
We welcome complex cases, including the most serious felonies:

  • Murder and manslaughter
  • Aggravated assault or attempted murder
  • Rape and sexual assault
  • Robbery or home invasion
  • Carjacking
  • Kidnapping
  • Domestic violence
  • Terroristic threats
  • Felon in possession of a firearm
  • Possession of banned weapons
  • Brandishing or discharging a firearm

A felony conviction is punishable by years in prison, fines and other criminal penalties. The criminal record can affect employment, education, housing, lending and other aspects of life. Those convicted of felonies lose their gun rights, voting rights and other liberties. Weapon enhancements – such as carrying a gun during a drug crime or burglary – can add years to the underlying prison sentence. For all these reasons, you need the strongest defense possible.

Our Ex-Prosecutors Give You A Fighting Chance
We have prosecuted many violent felonies, including crimes investigated by the Organized Crime Unit. That experience in law enforcement works to your advantage. We know how to find the gaps in the government’s case, how to challenge the physical evidence, and how to assert your constitutional defenses, including Fourth Amendment search and seizure violations.

As former prosecutors, we can gauge when the government has overcharged the case, and we know where the district attorney or U.S. attorney has “wiggle room” to negotiate either the charges or the penalties. If we cannot get the case dismissed or secure a favorable deal, we are formidable litigators who will go to trial to fight for your freedom.

Take Action To Protect Your Rights
No matter what the charges, you always have rights and there is always hope. You can count on Doar Rieck Kaley & Mackfor a spirited and strategic defense. If you or a family member is accused of assault or any violent crime, contact us for a free initial consultation. Call our downtown Manhattan office at 212-619-3730 or contact us online.